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United Kingdom:  Scotland
August 30, 2000
11:29 GMT


A court has heard that a child was slapped by a nun for singing a pop song.

Isabella Tedder, 42, said she was 10 at the time of the alleged incident.

She told Aberdeen Sheriff Court she remembered singing Puppet on a String while on a bus going to school.

Sister Alphonso called out her name ordered her to stop singing, Mrs Tedder said.

She said the nun then started slapping her on the face.

Mrs Tedder also told the court Sister Alphonso had slapped her when she tried to speak to her brother while they were waiting for a school bus.

She had also witnessed her slapping a girl who was suffering an epileptic fit.

Marie Docherty, who is also known as Sister Alphonso, denies 22 charges of cruel and unnatural treatment towards girls at Nazareth House homes in Aberdeen and Midlothian.

The trial continues.