International Love Poems

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Pharaoh Akhenaten's Love for his Wife Neferfefruaten Nefertiti



Akhenaten was one of the most unique Pharaohs to rule the upper and lower lands.  He encouraged new freedom in the arts.  Despite the fact that if any Pharaoh ever needed his looks embellished, it was Akhenaten who had
an overly long face and feminine appearing body.  So feminine did his body seem that often Egyptologist have trouble identifying statues from
this time period as his, or that of his principal wife Nefertiti. In fact when Egyptologist first began finding reliefs of Akhenaten and Nefertiti they thought that it was two women, one pretending to be a man as Pharaoh.

Besides the freedom of art, which was dramatic in and of itself, he attempted to take Egypt to a new form of religion ...  monotheistic and abstract.  There were no statues to worship, no animals to embalm, Akhenaten worshipped the Sun God, Aten, and believed that Aten was the only true god.  Needless to say, this caused a great turmoil in Egypt ... what Akhenaten did, was to try to change a very rigid system that had been in existence for 2,000 years.

Against this backdrop of history were two women ...  Meritaten and Ankhsenpaaten.   While the men in their family railed against the structured life of the temple priests, it was Meritaten and Ankhsenpaaten who had to suffer the consequences of Akhenaten's actions.


She is often called the most beautiful woman in ancient history, her face simply shines with grace and serenity.  The bust of her found in the sculptor Tutmose's workshop, is one of the most famous and replicated pieces of ancient Egyptian art.  It is an incredible piece of workmanship, what is more amazing is that a piece this fine was only a
tool to train apprentices. 

While no one is sure of her parentage, there is good reason to believe that she was the daughter of Aye, a general in Akhenaten's army.  After her marriage to Akhenaten her name was changed from Nefertiti (the beautiful one has come) to Neferfefruaten (beautiful is the beauty of Aten).

We often see inside the royal marriage, and the royal family in the reliefs that survived the destruction of Tel El-Armana.  Nefertiti is continuously shown with Akhenaten worshipping the Aten and playing with their daughters.  Akhenaten's poetry for her is a testimony to his love for her.

The Hereditary Princess, Great of Favor,
Mistress of happiness,
Gay with the two feathers,
At hearing whose voice one rejoices,
Soothing the heart of the King at home,
Pleased at all that is said,
The great and beloved wife of the King,
Lady of the two lands, Neferfefruaten Nefertiti,
Living forever.