In today's world of short attention spans, people won't give you a lot of
time to make an impression. Unfortunately, that's spread into dating as
well, where you've got to make every word count. Stutter, and you're
When asking for the date:
Never use the word "date." If you're asking the other person out, avoid
using the word "date." It has the tremendous power to make both parties
feel sudden, extreme pressure. The best thing is to hit the person up
unexpectedly. Say you're talking about something you both like to do,
like cookin' meth. Use the conversation as a segue into an invitation,
like, "Yeah, I can whip up a mean batch. Why don't you come visit
tonight? We'll partake."
Be specific. Also, when asking for the date, be specific about when you
want to go out. Some people try and get away with asking for a date only
halfway by just suggesting doing something "sometime." While the effort
is admirable, it leaves a lot of room for someone who's not attracted to
you to wiggle out of it. Instead, force them into giving you an answer
by proposing a time. If someone's going out with you just because they
couldn't think of a valid excuse, it is indeed still a date.
While on the date:
Ask questions. Break the ice and get the tempo of the conversation going
by asking your date questions about him or herself. Just try not to
sound like an inquisition, or your whole suave veneer will be blown.
Avoid baring your soul (in other words, save it for your sponsor). In
this juvenile game of cat and mouse, expect that, as you ask your date
questions, your date will fire them back. As you keep up this pretense
of a lighthearted and easygoing exchange, make sure you don't make the
mistake of turning it into a monologue just about you. Even though your
date may seem to be interested for the hour or two they spend sitting
there nodding over their cocktail, they're really not.
Find some common ground. If you already know the person fairly well,
great. However, those who were set up by any kind of service should duly
refer to their date's member profile. Are you both Scorpios? Do you
both love long walks on the beach, and cuddling up with a book by the
fire? If so, talk about it.
Use your body language. Skillful conversation emphasized by flirtatious
body language can bring your lusty dreams one step closer to fruition.
So get a little closer.
Finally, if you can't hack it, pick a noconversation date. If the
prospect of your date just leaves you knock-kneed and speechless, you may
want to choose the one of the classic conversation-less excursions. Take
you date to a movie and sit in silence, or to a club to shake the old