Selected Titles And Excerpts From A Look On The Inside Of Me
Due to countless request from his beloved fans, now for the first time you can own a
Limited Edition Title from the work of Eddie J. Porter.
Eddie has released Selected Titles from his book: A Look On the Inside Of Me.
They are now available to you for a limited time, to own and enjoy for years to come.
He has personally Signed and Numbered each Title. Encased in a protective cover, they
come to you presented on delicate Pastel Swirl 8 1/2 x 11 paper, included is a Gift
self-sealing envelope with each Title.
Purchase Price: US $39.00 + $4.00 Shipping & Handling
US $43.00
From the book
A Look On The Inside Of Me
- Excerpt -
Somewhere there lies one million words unspoken
To surrender unto you the perception of my heart
With you in my life the concept of love
In its totality has ... (continued to end)
- Excerpt -
A pair of twin dimes dialed my heart,
I'm so glad you called.
You thought of me as I of you
We must be sharing the same moment.
Across the land lines, into my ear,
Flowed the softest of soft, sweetest
Of sweet ...
Like the breeze across the meadow.
The smallest of thing done by you
Without a second guess, shows that you
Sense my pleasure,
I feel as though ... (continued to end)
- Excerpt -
I didn't have to see you to confirm
The feelings you must have felt
In my heart I've seen your face
A hundred times over
How can I ever forget your smile?
With winter in limbo between the rains
And sunny skies I made peace
With the heavens and gave you Spring tide
Arrayed, in the colors of my feelings
We talked for a while ... (continued to end)
- Excerpt -
This time that has brought us together has
Meant what mere words can't quite express
Sharing with you, a space in your day
Has made mine twice over
I swam in your fragrance with your voice in
My ear, yes ... I yearn for more
Once again I found you in my eyes, your
Tenderness caressed my soul.
You are the sensation I thought could
Never be, to want so soon, never a
Consideration, but meeting you
Changed my mind
Wrapped in all the things that kindle my ... (continued to end)
- Excerpt -
Seeing you for the very first time
Wondering who you were, and questioning
What my eyes were revealing
The sparkle in your eyes
Your cheeks aglow, sent me into
The depths of a spin to which
There was no end in sight.
Now that I know you ...
When you pass by and speak my name
My heart skips a beat or two
My temperature is like the rising sun.
Like the morning dew freshly kissing
The sweet Mother Earth, my blood runs cool.
"Can you see my anxiousness?"
Time after time I rehearse my lines
Within me the play begins
Who's on stage to take a bow?
My heart is the star of romance.
Lady of ecstasy
I am caught in the rays of wanting you
And lady, i would give all I could for
Just a Quiet Twilight.
You have never known, oh ... (continued to end)
- Excerpt -
You choose to care for me and I for you
In spite of our circumstance
Fresh in my mind is the day I first met you
Your beauty and sensual stride
Ignited a pagan memory of another
Place in time
I had eyed you earlier and fantasied of
Having my way with you
My thoughts were of sweet surrender.
I'm usually in complete control
My cup running over with strength
And belief in my self
After encountering you
I felt a shyness edging it's way
Into my circle of confidence
Withholding my shyness
I asked for your private number
When you smiled, all uneasiness
Filtered away
We see love as a beacon
On life's horizon, our emotions
Anchored in the Harbor of Hearts
By your side I feel the freedom
Of an eagle, your presence,
The lift beneath my wings.
Last night I sang of my passions
You heard the sweetness of my love tones
And appreciated the maestro in me ... (continued to end)
- Excerpt -
Rest has eluded me, many moons have passed
Leaving me impervious to time
Ink, parchment, lamp aglow, quill in hand
The words began to flow
You are on my mind I wanted you to know
As you read my thoughts take a moment to believe,
Believe once again that wishes do come true,
For you're the result of a wish made long ago under
A star lit summer night sky
I have never told you how I felt inside,
Nor have I shared my eyes with you,
So how could you know that you're the light I see
Brandy wine lady, come find my love, here
Amid the gold and precious feelings
Stay with me, recline upon my dreams ... (continued to end)